SafePayTM Temp-Payroll Service

onDiem offers nationwide payroll service for dental offices. With our low introductory offer of just 12.5%, dental practice owners can start building their own contingent workforce and stay compliant with regulatory agencies.
REduce Compliance Risk

onDiem Payroll makes it easy

to pay your own temps and working interview candidates. We'll take care of compliance and payroll, and you’ll pay a lower service fee each time they work.

safepayTM keeps you compliant

Hiring illegal 1099 temp labor puts your business and your patients at risk. No malpractice insurance. No workers' comp protection. Hiring practices that run afoul of state and federal laws. Enjoy peace of mind knowing onDiem W-2 employees meet local, state, and federal compliance standards.



Getting Started

1. Create your free onDiem account here.

2. (Optional) Upgrade to Premium and maximize your savings.

3. Post your first job.

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