We would love to welcome you to our onsite dental location at the Intel campus. We are a large mobile unit with one doctor, 2 hygienist, and two assistants. . This is not double hygiene. The assistant is there to help with any technical difficulties or questions you might have. Appointments are mostly 50-60 minutes; exemptions are SRP(90 minutes) or single prophy(50/60)mins , no exam, no x-rays. We appreciate our temp hygienists and would like to establish a positive working relationship with our temp assistants to keep you coming back! Thank you for your interest in this job!
Our hygienist has prior commitments, but we have a hygiene chair we are happy to fill. You will find this patient population is super accommodating of temp hygienists, and we have all had wonderful experiences. We look forward to continuing this trend!
Side note: prior to leaving, please make sure, clinical notes are completed , your Op is clean and instruments are ran through sterile.
Other: Please allow time to find our location as it can be hard to find for those who have never been to the intel campus (Put 6363 NE Butler Street in GPS, park in any structure, walk away from the garage, and you will see our unit). Please use the restroom before you come; the restroom is a 10-minute round-trip walk, and we make time between appointments to accommodate this.
Please call or text office at (503) 444-0096 if you need any more information. Thanks!