ADHA, onDiem, and You:
Uplifting Dental Hygienists Together

June 3, 2024
Lindsey Yoo, Lead Brand Strategist and Copywriter | Azriél Crews, Junior Copywriter

Last year, onDiem and the ADHA made waves in the industry by announcing our partnership, which gives dental hygienists improved access to a generous suite of benefits, protections, and discounts. The ADHA’s long history of advocacy—plus onDiem’s efforts to provide safe, legal, and fulfilling work for dental professionals—make this a natural and rewarding relationship. We’re proud of how far we’ve come together, and grateful that so many hygienists have benefited from our alliance.


Thanks to our partnership, when ADHA members find work through onDiem, they unlock exclusive perks. In addition to receiving all the usual onDiem benefits and protections, every ADHA member on our platform receives: 

  • A $100 rebate on their existing ADHA membership 
  • $50 more per month in onDiem Care Benefits—for up to $250 per month to cover health and wellness expenses (Think childcare, eldercare, yoga classes, meditation retreats, and more)

If you’re a dental hygienist who’d like to enjoy these benefits, sign up for onDiem here, or start looking for work in your area now! 


Our Exclusive State Partnerships

Over the past several months, Team onDiem’s built exclusive partnerships with several state dental hygiene associations. These state associations believe their dental hygienists deserve flexible work schedules, jobs with fair and legal pay, and access to W-2 protections and benefits—and they know that onDiem is the only dental staffing platform that provides it all. 

The following state associations have agreed to partner exclusively with onDiem as their dental staffing partner. By partnering with onDiem, these associations are committed to doing right by their dental hygiene community. We couldn’t be prouder to work with the most principled leaders in dentistry—and we’re grateful to see this list grow over time. Hygienists deserve to be rewarded for all the essential and life-changing care they provide, and to get the most value out of their hard-earned careers.


“onDiem is the leading dental staffing company when it comes to truly caring for the dental hygienist’s well-being and career growth. This partnership was only natural for us, as leaders who are firmly committed to the long-term interests of our deserving hygiene community.” 

—State Association Leader


If you’re an ADHA member but don’t see your state association on this list, here are few things to keep in mind: 


  • All ADHA members have access to our partnership benefits—even if your state isn’t on this list. 
  • Members of state associations that are exclusively partnered with onDiem stand to gain additional perks and education. Ask your state association leader about the ADHA-onDiem partnership! 
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