onDiem, the first W-2 dental jobs platform in the country, is proud to announce that all dental workers on our platform now have access to comprehensive, major health insurance through UnitedHealthcare®.
This is the same health insurance our own CEO enjoys—because dental workers everywhere should have quality healthcare, too.

If you’ve ever lived without health insurance (and several of us at Team onDiem have), you know how scary it can be—and how vulnerable you can feel waiting for that proverbial shoe to drop. No one should have to deal with that. And why should dental workers, the clinicians and professionals who provide the most essential preventative care, have to worry about their own health and wellness?
We’re proud to launch dental staffing’s first comprehensive, major PPO healthcare plan for temporary dental workers. To enjoy coverage, do what you already do, but through onDiem: Find, book, and work shifts. You can enroll in healthcare immediately, even if you've never worked through us before! Once your coverage officially kicks in, you'll need to work approximately 8.5 shifts (68 hours) per month through us to continue qualifying for our healthcare insurance. You can check out our healthcare resources page for more information, but here are the basics:
Gold PPO Health Insurance Plan (NexusACO)
Individual plan: $594 / month
onDiem users who work just three shifts per week automatically earn up to $250 in Care Benefits* and an average of $200 in PTO per month. Both can be applied to healthcare—bringing your health insurance cost down to $144 per month!
💙 Preventative Care: 100% Covered
💙 Annual Deductible: $5,500 (individual)
💙 Coinsurance: You pay 45%, carrier pays 55%.
💙 Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $9,450
…and more
SILVER POS Health Insurance Plan (NexusACO)
Individual plan: $525 / month
With your Care Benefits* and PTO, bring your health insurance cost down to $75 per month!
💙 Annual Deductible: $10,000 (individual)
💙 Coinsurance: You pay 50%, carrier pays 50%.
💙 Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $20,000
…and more
How to qualify
Work just 8.5 shifts (68 hours) through onDiem every month.*
*All onDiem users earn Care Benefits every month, which can be used to reimburse costs related to your health and wellness. Think fitness classes, childcare, eldercare, copays, and more.
†This requirement doesn't come into effect until your coverage officially begins. That means you can enroll now—even if you've never worked with onDiem before.
All dental workers provide life-changing preventative care—but dental workers who temp through onDiem get rewarded for that good work with employer-paid taxes, health benefits, workers’ comp insurance, paid time off, and more. With us, you’ve got nothing to lose, and so much to gain. Work confidently without ever having to worry about your own health and wellness again.
Ready to enroll into a top-notch health insurance plan at a fraction of the usual cost? First things first: Sign up for onDiem. If you're already part of our community, head to "onDiem Healthcare Benefits" in your Employee Portal to start the enrollment process.